At Our Lady of the Nativity School we believe that active and effective participation in society and in the world at large is supported by the ability to speak, listen, read, view and write with confidence, purpose and enjoyment. In other words we can successfully participate when we are literate. We believe that Literacy is the foundation for effective learning in all areas of the curriculum. Our Literacy program aims to ensure that students achieve success through a rigorous and balanced program.

To make practical use of the skills taught, authentic opportunities to integrate English with other curriculum areas is essential and explicitly planned for.

Our English curriculum follows Victorian Curriculum and is organised into three dimensions: Reading & Viewing, Writing and Speaking & Listening. Within these broad areas skills and strategies taught include:

  • Reading texts with fluency and phrasing
  • Comprehending (both literally and inferentially) texts read, viewed and listened to
  • Composing, editing and publishing written and spoken texts
  • Spelling, grammar and punctuation
  • Handwriting
  • The use of technology as a means of communication
  • Oral language activities including oral presentations and performances

Our Literacy program is personalised to address the needs and interests of all students within the classroom through a range of individual, small group and whole class activities. Ongoing monitoring of student achievements assists teachers to identify student needs and to set goals for future learning in collaboration with each individual student. We boast a large contingency of classroom parent helpers and always welcome any assistance offered by the school and parish community.