Student wellbeing is at the heart of what we do at our school. Our vision statement proclaims that we provide a nurturing environment inclusive of all our members, striving to uphold the dignity of the human person. Through our holistic approach to education, we also profess a commitment to social justice and we encourage our members to be active participants in the global community. Pastoral care programs at our school are an expression of the vision of our school. Our whole school approach to wellbeing programs and practices are based on our understanding that the promotion of wellbeing is strongly linked to student academic outcomes.

The Student Services coordinator oversees the process of identifying those children who require extra assistance within the classroom. This assistance may be academic, behavioral or social and emotional. A Student Welfare Group operates to provide strategy support for teachers in assisting these students. Referrals may be needed to access further support. This can be done through the Catholic Education Office within the areas of Psychology, Speech Pathology or Educational Academic support. Referrals are also made to other outside agencies.

Program Support Group Meetings are scheduled regularly for the support of students with disabilities. These meetings are for parents, classroom teachers, the student services coordinator and learning support officers to set goals for these students.

We provide the services of a school counselor one day a week. Counseling is available for students in Prep –Grade 6 and the service is provided through Centacare Catholic Family Services. This service is provided by a probationary psychologist under the supervision of a registered Centacare psychologist.