Franciscan Education has one clear aim – to educate the ‘Good Person’. Whist we aim to provide our students with the best academic education possible our commitment to our ethos and charism demands that we also educate them on how to be good people who are:

  • concerned for the ‘other’
  • committed to social justice
  • outward looking
  • able to see beauty in ugliness
  • concerned for the environment and committed to stewardship
  • dedicated to promoting peace, justice and equality

As a Franciscan school we aim to teach our children that:

  • Goodness matters
  • Beauty matters
  • Matter matters.

Our aim is for our students to live out the words of St Francis of Assisi to ‘Preach the Gospel always and where necessary use words.’

Our Lady of the Nativity School is a member of Franciscan Schools Australia – a network of schools whose aim is to educate our students by encouraging them to be good people capable of spreading, via action, the Gospels of Christ. In the words of the founder of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary we hope that our community members will ‘Walk as a living Gospel’.

Francisan Schools Australia:

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School Tour

Tuesday 18th March


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