Ad Caritatem per Veritatem

The motto of Our Lady of the Nativity School is ‘Ad caritatem per veritatem’ – to love through truth. Our motto comes from the words of Helene de Chappotin, the foundress of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, who said ‘to truth through love and to love through truth.’

Pope Francis in his encyclical ‘ Lumen Fidei’ said the following which deepens our understanding of our motto:

"Love needs truth and truth needs love. Love and truth are inseparable. Without love, truth becomes cold, impersonal and oppressive in people’s day to day lives. The truth we seek, the truth that gives meaning to our journey through life, enlightens us whenever we are touched by love. One who loves recognises that love is an experience of truth, that it opens our eyes to see reality in a new way, in union with the beloved."

Pope Francis

Our Vision

Our Lady of the Nativity is a faith-filled community that gives witness to, and proclaims, the Gospel teachings of Jesus.

Within a nurturing environment, inclusive of all its members, we uphold the dignity of the human person.

Through an holistic approach to education we aspire to develop lifelong learners.

With a commitment to social justice, a sense of purpose and hope, we encourage our members to be active participants in the global community.

School Tour

Tuesday 18th March


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